3G Abacus Level Advancement
Post Advanced Course
For all students who have completed Advanced level, and who wish to continue with more challenging questions

- All Abacus Formulae
- Multiplication Table
(7 years old & above)
- Abacus 3 digits
- Multiplication & Division
- Abacus 4 digits & above
- Multiplication & Division
- Advanced Mental
Preparatory Course
This course is specially designed for children between 5-6 years old, to build foundation in numbers and to prepare them for future challenges in Abacus Mental-Arithmetic and Mathematics calculation
(5-6 years old)

Students will start from the basic of abacus functioning, and slowly advance from addition and subtraction, and then to multiplication and division. The difficulty of the calculation increases with the level advancement. At each learning phrase and level, they will first pick up the abacus calculation techniques, then the mental calculation.
3G Abacus specially designed syllabus helps students to first pick up and understand calculation method through hands-on working on abacus, and then transit to mental calculation in phrases.
This helps students to build up stronger foundation in calculation, which is essential for speed mental calculation with accuracy.
3G Abacus offers Post Advanced Course for all students who have completed the Advance level. This course provides students with strong interest in the Abacus and Mental-Arithmetic to continue with more challenging questions, and to help students achieve higher levels and gradings.
3G Abacus Framework
3G Abacus uses various methods to help new learners to master Mental Calculation Concept, and experienced learners to achieve Mental Speed and and Accuracy.