Have you ever wondered what is the best way to improve your child’s maths while sparking an interest in the subject? Look no further than abacus classes for kids in Singapore! These ancient calculation tools can transform your kid’s math skills in ways you never imagined. In this article, let us discover the secret formula for maths excellence that has Singaporean parents amazed.

What Is an Abacus and How Does It Work?

An abacus is an ancient calculating tool used to perform mathematical computations. It consists of beads that slide on rods, allowing you to represent numbers and do arithmetic like adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.

How the Abacus Works

The abacus frame has rods with beads that each represent a numerical value. The beads above the bar represent 5s, while the beads below represent 1s. By sliding the beads up and down, you can represent any number. The abacus allows you to visualise the numbers you’re calculating with, helping build a strong number sense in children.

An Example

Let’s say you want to calculate 5 + 3. On the top row, slide 5 beads up. On the bottom row, slide 3 beads up. Now you have a visual representation of 5 and 3. To add, just slide all the beads together. You now have 8 beads up – representing your answer!

Why Abacus Classes Benefit Children

Abacus classes teach children how to visualise numbers and understand quantities, building a strong foundation in mathematics. Students learn systematic techniques to solve complex calculations mentally. Regular practice helps improve concentration, logical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

Abacus classes for kids in Singapore can be engaging and fun. The hands-on nature of manipulating the beads fosters interest in math. Students can track their own progress as their speed and accuracy improve over time. Abacus skills are useful for daily life and help build confidence in math.

With the right guidance, abacus classes enhance your child’s mathematical ability and mental skills in an enjoyable way. This education provides benefits that will last a lifetime.

The Benefits of Abacus Learning for Developing Math Skills

Learning the abacus offers many benefits for developing your child’s mathematical abilities. Studies show that students who learn abacus calculation tend to have stronger number sense, mental calculation skills, and problem-solving abilities compared to students who don’t.

Improves Number Sense

Abacus classes for kids in Singapore develops a strong number sense in your child by allowing them to visually represent numbers. They can see how the abacus beads correlate to the decimal place value system, helping them gain a deeper understanding of how numbers work. This solid foundation in number sense will benefit them tremendously in higher math.

Boosts Mental Calculation Ability

Using an abacus requires mental visualisation of the bead movements. This helps children get faster at mental calculation as they start to do the calculations in their head. With regular practice, they can perform quick mental calculations with accuracy. This ability will give them an edge in competitive exams where time is a factor.

Enhances Problem-Solving Skills

Abacus calculation involves logically thinking through a multi-step problem and then solving it efficiently. This helps children develop strong problem-solving skills that are useful for math and in life. They learn to break down problems into small, manageable steps, think logically about solutions, and evaluate different options – all valuable skills for success in mathematics and beyond.

With the many benefits of abacus learning, enrolling your child in abacus classes is one of the best ways to give them a head start in math. At 3G Abacus, our engaging abacus programmes are designed to develop your child’s mathematical abilities in a fun and stimulating environment. Contact us today to learn more!

Choosing the Best Abacus Classes for Kids in Singapore

Focus on Teaching Methods and Skills

When choosing an abacus class for your child, look for schools that emphasize teaching mental math skills, not just abacus techniques. The abacus should be used as a tool to build a strong math foundation and improve skills like mental arithmetic, logical thinking, and problem-solving. Ask about the curriculum and teaching methods to ensure focus is on developing key skills, not just speed or competition.

Qualified and Experienced Teachers

Seek out abacus classes taught by experienced teachers with proper certification and training. Qualified teachers will have a strong grasp of learning techniques and skills development for different age groups. They can properly assess your child’s abilities and needs to keep them challenged and engaged. Well-trained teachers are also better equipped to motivate students and make learning fun.

Student-Centered Approach

Look for abacus schools that take a student-centered approach, not one focused primarily on competition or test scores. Classes should be tailored to students’ skill levels and pace of learning. Teachers should give students individual guidance and encouragement. The environment should be supportive rather than high pressure. An emphasis on developing a love of math and building confidence will serve your child well beyond any single class or program.

Demo Classes and Flexibility

Reputable abacus schools will offer demo or trial classes so you can evaluate the teaching style and curriculum before committing. They will also allow students to join classes at any time rather than just at the start of a new term. This flexibility indicates a focus on meeting students’ needs rather than rigidly adhering to schedules. It also allows your child to start classes when they are ready to ensure the best experience and results.

With the right abacus school and teacher, these classes can be fun, enriching, and help build a lifelong appreciation of mathematics. Do your research, ask the right questions, and find a program focused on developing skills and a love of learning to set your child up for success.


We hope that you understand the benefits of abacus learning and how it can help build your child’s math skills. With the right abacus class that focuses on boosting mental math, speed calculation, and problem-solving, your kid will enjoy maths in no time. So take action today and enroll them in an abacus class that fits their needs. Remember, we’re here at 3G Abacus to answer any other questions and help find the perfect class for your aspiring mathematician.