As a parent in Singapore, you understand the importance of a strong foundation in mathematics for your child’s academic success and future career prospects. Mental arithmetic has long played a pivotal role in Singapore’s education system and curriculum. Developing strong mental math skills from a young age provides lifelong benefits for analytical thinking, memory, focus and confidence. In this article, we will explore the history and role of mental arithmetic in Singapore’s education system, teaching methods and approaches, common challenges faced by students, and the future of mental math in Singapore. With expertise from 3G Abacus, a leader in abacus and mental arithmetic education, we aim to provide an in-depth look at how mental maths proficiency supports overall learning for Singaporean students.

The History and Evolution of Mental Arithmetic in Singapore’s Education System

The Introduction of Mental Arithmetic

Mental arithmetic has been an integral part of Singapore’s mathematics curriculum since the 1960s. It was first introduced to strengthen students’ mathematical abilities and numeracy skills through quick mental calculations without relying on pen and paper or calculating devices. Over time, mental arithmetic gained widespread acceptance and became entrenched in Singapore’s education system.

Shift to Mastery of Mental Arithmetic

In the 1980s, the Ministry of Education recognised the importance of mental arithmetic as a foundational mathematical skill and made it compulsory for all primary school students to master. This led to the development of structured mental arithmetic programmes and competitions to motivate students. In 2005, 3G Abacus was founded to supplement classroom learning and help students build a strong foundation in mental arithmetic from an early age.

Current Role and Importance

Today, mental arithmetic remains a key component of the mathematics curriculum for primary and secondary students in Singapore. Nationwide mental arithmetic competitions and examinations held in Singapore, provide and promote the learning of Mental Arithmetic. Strong proficiency in mental arithmetic is seen as a basic expectation and life skill that all students should acquire to prepare them for higher education and careers in the 21st century.

Mental arithmetic has clearly evolved to become an integral part of Singapore’s education system over the last few decades. With its emphasis on building numeracy skills from an early age, mental arithmetic will continue to play an important role in shaping students’ mathematical development and preparing them for the digital age.

Mental Arithmetic in Singapore’s Primary School Curriculum

Mental arithmetic has been an integral part of Singapore’s mathematics curriculum since the 1960s. Students start learning mental arithmetic skills from Primary 1, beginning with simple addition and subtraction. By Primary 3, the focus shifts to multiplication, and in Primary 5, division is introduced.

Building a Strong Foundation

Embedding mental arithmetic in the early primary years helps build a strong foundation in number sense and mathematical thinking. Students develop computational fluency, learn mathematical concepts in a structured way, and gain confidence in manipulating numbers mentally. These skills enable them to transition smoothly to more complex arithmetic and algebra in secondary school.

Regular Practice and Drills

To achieve mastery in mental arithmetic, regular practice and drills are essential. Schools conduct mental arithmetic lessons and worksheets 2-3 times a week, with each session lasting 10-15 minutes. Students take part in mental arithmetic competitions and benchmarking to motivate them to practise.

Mental arithmetic has been pivotal in establishing Singapore students’ strong mathematical foundation and global competitiveness. By continuing to emphasise its importance in the curriculum and exploring new ways to make learning enjoyable and effective, mental arithmetic will remain a hallmark of Singapore’s mathematics education.

The Benefits and Life Skills Developed Through Mental Arithmetic

Mental arithmetic plays an integral role in developing important life skills from an early age.

Critical Thinking

 The practice of mental calculation enhances critical thinking abilities in students. They learn to analyse problems logically and creatively find solutions without relying on written methods. This cultivates quick thinking skills and the ability to make connections between mathematical concepts.

Improved Memory

Memorising multiplication tables and mathematical formulae challenges students to strengthen their memory. The repetition involved in mental arithmetic leads to the automatic recall of facts, allowing students to solve complex problems with greater speed and accuracy.


Mental arithmetic requires focus and concentration to solve problems in one’s head. Students develop the discipline to avoid distractions, focus their attention, and persist in finding solutions. This ability to concentrate deeply serves them well beyond the mathematics classroom.


Success in mental arithmetic builds confidence in students as they master skills and achieve their goals. They gain a sense of accomplishment from solving problems efficiently and a belief in their own abilities as mathematicians. This confidence propels them to take on more challenging work and persevere in the face of difficulties.

Mental arithmetic may be an age-old practice, but its benefits are timeless. Embedded in Singapore’s curriculum from an early age, it provides students with a strong foundation in mathematics and life skills that will support them for years to come. Programmes and competitions further cultivate passion for the subject, producing students that excel on the world stage. Mental arithmetic is a tradition worth preserving for future generations.

Prominent Mental Arithmetic Programmes and Competitions in Singapore

In the mid-1990s, Singapore introduced various national mental arithmetic programmes and competitions to spur students’ interest in the subject and hone their skills. Students from primary and secondary schools compete to solve complex arithmetic problems quickly and accurately in their heads. 

Various Abacus Mental Arithmetic competitions organised by different organisations provide a platform for students to benchmark themselves against the national average and compete for the championship title in their age group. These competitions significantly raised the profile of mental arithmetic in Singapore’s education landscape.

At 3G Abacus, we also organise National and International mental arithmetic competitions. 3G Abacus hosts the prestigious 3G Abacus Mental Arithmetic Competition and 3G Abacus Mental Arithmetic International Competition bi-annually. Students demonstrate their mental calculation techniques and compete for attractive prizes while gaining valuable competition experience.

Through participating in these well-established mental arithmetic competitions, students can hone their skills, build confidence in applying techniques under pressure and bond over their shared interest in this niche yet important subject. The competitions also allow students to gain recognition for their abilities, with the potential to represent Singapore on the global stage.

Teaching Methods and Approaches for Developing Strong Mental Arithmetic Skills

Practise Daily

To build mental arithmetic proficiency, students should practise regularly through daily worksheets and exercises. Repeated practice of mental calculation techniques helps to strengthen neural pathways in the brain responsible for mathematical thinking. At 3G Abacus, students go through daily timed practices and drills to enhance their mental arithmetic skills.

Focus on Accuracy and Speed

Mental arithmetic skills require both accuracy and speed. Students should start by focusing on solving problems correctly, then work on solving them faster. Teachers can design incremental speed tests and timed practices to help students improve. 3G Abacus’ mental arithmetic program incorporates regular speed and accuracy tests to track students’ progress.

Apply Mnemonics and Abacus Techniques

Effective teaching methods for mental arithmetic include applying mnemonics and abacus techniques. Mnemonics, like rhymes, acronyms and songs, can help students memorise mathematical facts and formulae. Abacus visualisation is used to help young children visualise mathematical operations and solve problems mentally. 3G Abacus teaches students advanced abacus techniques to boost their mental arithmetic abilities.

Set Individual Goals

Teachers should work with each student to set individual improvement goals to keep them motivated. Goals could include solving a certain number of problems accurately in a set time, memorising multiplication tables up to a certain number or achieving a score on a mental arithmetic assessment. At 3G Abacus, students set weekly goals to master new abacus techniques and improve their speed and accuracy.

Mental arithmetic skills are essential for students to develop a strong number sense and logical thinking abilities. With diligent practice of effective teaching techniques, students can build proficiency in mental calculation and reap benefits that will serve them well beyond the classroom.

Mental Arithmetic Outside the Classroom

A key component of Singapore’s mental arithmetic education is applying the skills outside of the traditional classroom setting. Students are encouraged to practise mental calculation techniques in their daily lives to strengthen their abilities and make the methods second nature.

Competitions and Challenges

Several nationwide mental arithmetic competitions and challenges provide opportunities for students to demonstrate their skills. Events like mental math competitions and abacus mental-arithmetic competitions allow students to compete against peers from schools across Singapore. Success in these competitions can build confidence in students’ abilities and motivate them to continue honing their skills.

Interactive Apps and Games

Interactive mobile apps and games focused on mental arithmetic provide an engaging way for students to practise outside of school. Apps like Squeebles Maths Busters and DragonBox offer mental math puzzles and games suited for a range of ages and skill levels. Using apps and games for just 15 or 20 minutes a day can help reinforce the techniques and speed students have developed.

Applying Mental Arithmetic Skills to Daily Life

Students should look for opportunities in everyday life to apply their mental calculation skills. For example, they can calculate the total cost of items while shopping without writing anything down, figure out the number of minutes until their next appointment, or determine how much time is left before their favourite television show starts. Real-world application of skills helps to make mental arithmetic second nature.

With competitions, interactive apps, real-world practice, and encouragement from schools and parents, students in Singapore’s education system can become highly proficient in mental arithmetic outside of the classroom. Mastery of these foundational skills at a young age provides a strong base for continued success in mathematics and beyond.

The Future of Mental Arithmetic in Singapore

In Singapore, mental arithmetic has already established itself as an important part of the education curriculum and will likely continue to do so in the foreseeable future. Advancements in teaching pedagogy and learning strategies will further enhance students’ mental calculation abilities. Educators are developing interactive digital applications and online learning platforms to supplement traditional teaching methods. These technologies can generate customised questions targeted at a student’s current ability and learning pace.

Competitions will motivate students to achieve mastery in mental arithmetic. Events such as the Singapore Mental Arithmetic Competition and Asia International Mathematical Olympiad will inspire students to develop their skills through dedicated practice and preparation. Success in these competitions can build confidence and nurture a growth mindset in students.

Partnerships between schools and private enrichment centres will become more common. Organisations like 3G Abacus have developed a syllabus that meets the needs of students in terms of calculation skills.

Mental arithmetic has been and will continue to be an integral part of Singapore’s education system. Advancements in pedagogy, competitions and public-private partnerships will further strengthen its role in developing quick-witted and nimble-minded students ready to thrive in today’s fast-paced world. The future of mental arithmetic in Singapore looks bright, with an exciting road ahead.


In conclusion, mental arithmetic has played an important role in Singapore’s education system for decades. Even as new technologies continue to develop, the core benefits of mental maths will remain invaluable. As a parent, understanding the history and value of mental calculation can help you make informed choices. By enrolling your child in programs like those offered by 3G Abacus, you ensure they develop key skills for academic and lifelong success. Though mental maths brings challenges, our innovative teaching methods make it rewarding and achievable for all students. By supporting your child’s mental arithmetic education today, you invest in their future, shaping a confident, nimble-minded member of society.