Herald Learning Center, previously known as Nickel Apple Learning Centre, is a dedicated abacus learning centre that focuses on small group learning through experienced teachers and specially edited programme to build up the children’s mental calculation and strength progressively. The specially edited programme capitalizes on the fundamentals of 3G abacus that differ from traditional abacus teachings by incorporating easier techniques that are easily comprehended and mastered by students of all ages and levels.
Recognizing the importance of delivering an effective learning programme, teachers at Herald had been successful in incorporating quick-to-learn 3G techniques through meticulously designed formulas. The programme increases the speed and capacity to count, equipping children with a strong foundation to academic subjects such as mathematics. Most importantly, by inculcating formulas to the basic human ability to count, children are made aware that the ability to recognize and introduce pat-terns and regularities to basic leaning could aid the process of acquiring the skills. The former is critical to a young mind as it introduces a discipline built on the essence of logic and analytics which is key in visualizing, articulating and solving complex and complicated concepts in his/her future endeavors.
Our centre had witnessed the success of many of our students who had effectively mastered the art of 3G Abacus. While some had excelled in their performances academically, others had taken home top awards at international competitions held in Hong Kong.